Pastoral Welcome
We are happy that you have found us and we'd love to meet you in person.
On behalf of the congregation and the body of elders, I want to welcome you to Reformed Heritage Church.
If you decide to visit and worship with us, you will be warmly received by a spiritual family that is doctrinally rooted in the Bible, striving to grow in Christ together for God’s glory alone.
Here are some important distinctives that I’d like to highlight for you upfront:
We preach expository sermons, trusting Christ to reform us through His word by His Spirit.
We are ruled by Christ under the ministry of His word, through the shepherding of a body of elders (pastors) – men who have shown themselves to be divinely called, joyfully aspiring, and spiritually qualified, then tested, equipped, affirmed, and installed.
We hold to the regulative principle, which means that our liturgy (the order of worship) is regulated by the Bible. Every element is intentional and is arranged following the arch of the gospel. Every church has a liturgy: the content and order that will be spoken, sung, prayed or read. Ours is not derived from a book of Church Order or prayers prescribed from an authority outside of this congregation. Rather, it is custom-crafted by our elders weekly to support and elevate the truths contained in the sermon text that is our special unifying focus for that day.
We are committed to life-on-life discipleship (1 Thess. 2:18), as our King Jesus commands us, that we may present everyone mature in Christ. This includes adult Sunday School, men's and women's Bible studies mid-week, and pastoral visits to the home.
We are transparently confessional. With God's help, Reformed Heritage Church is committed to teaching doctrines that are 'expressly set down' or 'necessarily contained' in scripture. As further theological tools and safeguards against unbiblical teaching, this Church subscribes to the Second London Baptist Confession of Faith of 1689. This is the same confession to which Charles Spurgeon subscribed in the mid-1800s and which he buried in the foundation of their church building in London. The Presbyterian theologian, Carl Trueman, wisely points out:
the Christian world is not divided between those who have creeds and confessions and those who just have the Bible. It is actually divided between those who write them down in a public form, open to public scrutiny and correction, and those who have them and do not write them down. The reason is simple: every church (and indeed every Christian) believes the Bible means something, and what it thinks the Bible means is its creed and confession, whether it chooses to write its beliefs down or not.
We long to see Christ advance His kingdom throughout the whole earth. We desire to be a church that loves to pray for this. For this reason, we also give as a congregation 20% of our budget each year to global missions, specifically focused on Bible translation and church planting among the least reached.
If you desire to grow and serve within such a church, then we pray that this will become your church home. If you have never been in such a church, I encourage you to visit and worship with us one Sunday. If you have any questions, please let me know. It’ll be a joy to get to know you.
For the glory of our King and the coming of His kingdom,
Pastor Jason
Theological University Apeldoorn, Netherlands (PhD)
London Reformed Baptist Seminary
Trinity Western University